From Wesley Community Foundation’s “Mission Matters”
Looking through Caroline McGlasson’s watercolor portfolio is a treat. It’s as if she’s been painting all her life, yet she often refers to herself as a “beginner”.
Caroline recognizes she previously expressed her creativity through sewing, baking and cake decorating. However, she did not take her first art class until after she became a Wesley resident. A Wesley U class in watercolor painting, taught by Charlene Burley, captured Caroline’s interest. The class opened a path to creating many lovely pieces, some of which have become Caroline’s annual Christmas cards over the past five years!
Her favorite subjects are birds and flowers. She has continued to take every class offered by Charlene through Wesley U. Caroline loves everything about the watercolor process, from picking a scene, to mixing the paint and applying it to paper, to modifying the design so it reflects her vision. Learning different strokes and techniques is also something she enjoys. She credits fellow resident Karen Smith, who also is an art instructor, with teaching her colored pencil. It’s another medium Caroline loves.
The benefits
One of the benefits of creating art with watercolor or colored pencils is that Caroline can paint or sketch in her apartment or in the lounge. The mediums are easy to use and transport.
Another benefit is the emotional boost Caroline receives from making art. It’s like crafting her own calming space.
She says, “Creating art is deeply satisfying. Creativity makes life beautiful. It allows you to express who you are.” She encourages others to avail themselves of the many diverse courses and opportunities Wesley U offers. “It’s never too late, so don’t be afraid to try.”
Retirement is a perfect time to explore new paths as Caroline has done. Her inspiration for painting comes from printed material and photos she has seen in books, magazines, calendars and on the Internet. Though Caroline’s art are reproductions, each copy an artist makes is unique and reflects the exploration process of that individual. Being able to visualize a scene in one’s mind and then translate that to paper or canvas may be a future goal of Caroline’s developing talent. Good instruction and natural talent may influence whether one is considered an “artist”, but Caroline believes, “Anyone can be creative.”
So take a Wesley U class that interests you. You may find a hidden talent that brings you joy.
Wesley U classes are free and are sponsored by Wesley Community Foundation.