Wesley U is a unique, lifelong learning program made possible by Wesley Community Foundation. It is currently available online and at all Wesley locations.
This award-winning program offers residents and non-residents who are 50+ years the opportunity to enroll in a wide variety of fun and mentally stimulating classes. The classes are designed for meaningful learning, interaction and personal growth.
Wesley U Manager Tracy Oshiro said that there is close collaboration with the resident committees at each Wesley community on which subjects to feature in the quarterly catalogs.
“Each Wesley community has a team of residents who decide on topics that might be interesting to learn about. Sometimes residents of Wesley pick the speaker, sometimes it’s someone who lives at Wesley and other times I’ll go out and find a speaker to present the topic of interest,” said Tracy.
Another benefit of being a Wesley resident is that classes are offered first to residents and our priority reservation list members before being open to the greater community.
There’s no better time than now to try out some of these free classes. See what classes are being offered in our course catalog and sign up here.