Al and Kathy Franzen Wesley Des Moines Residents and Donors to Wesley Community Foundation

What Will Be Your Legacy?

August is National “Make a Will” Month, dedicated to reflecting on “What Will Be Your Legacy?” It’s a fitting time to consider how our actions today can shape a better future. At Wesley, we believe in creating lasting impacts through Wesley Community Foundation. This nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization is dedicated to enhancing the lives of older adults and their families. Let’s explore how thinking about an outright gift today or a deferred gift through your estate plan can create meaningful change for both you and your community.

The Power of a Personal Legacy

Thinking about your legacy often involves reflecting on your values, interests and the impact you wish to leave behind. When you consider how you wish to be remembered, you give your life a deeper sense of purpose. You also create opportunities to enrich the lives of others. Leaving a legacy through philanthropy is a powerful way to ensure that your values continue to inspire and support future generations.

Enhancing Lives: The Impact of Your Generosity

Gifts to Wesley Community Foundation have a direct and lasting impact. They help fund wellness and educational programs, support residents facing financial hardships, and provide opportunities for staff development. Programs like Wesley U, fitness and music sessions, and memory care support create vibrant, engaging environments for residents. By contributing, you ensure these enriching experiences continue to be available, enhancing the quality of life for everyone at Wesley.

Supporting Those in Need: A Legacy of Compassion

One of the most profound ways to leave a legacy is by supporting those in need. Circle of Concern is a benevolence fund that provides financial assistance to qualifying residents who have exhausted their resources through no fault of their own. The fund ensures they can remain in their homes and community. Additionally, the Employee Assistance Fund helps dedicated Wesley staff with emergency financial aid and educational opportunities. Your generosity helps create a compassionate community where everyone feels supported and valued.

Building for the Future: Lasting Impact Through Capital Campaigns

Capital campaigns funded by Wesley Community Foundation support the construction of new communities and the enhancement of existing campuses. These efforts ensure that Wesley can continue to provide state-of-the-art environments where older adults can thrive. By contributing to these campaigns, you leave a tangible legacy that both current and future residents will benefit from for years to come.

Creating a Meaningful Legacy

As you reflect on the legacy you wish to leave, consider how supporting Wesley Community Foundation can create lasting benefits. Your thoughtful contributions help enhance the lives of older adults, support our dedicated staff and build dynamic communities. This legacy of generosity and compassion impacts the lives of those at Wesley. It also brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose to you, knowing that you’ve made a difference. Explore our giving options today and join us in making a positive, enduring impact.