Now is the perfect opportunity to begin that project you always wanted to start but couldn’t find the time.
In lieu of face-to-face activities, there are still many fun ways to entertain ourselves while accomplishing some long put off goals. Explore a new hobby, commemorate your family traditions or dust off an old instrument. Below is a feel-good roundup of creative activities to jump start your inspiration.
Preserving your family’s history is a tradition that can be passed down for generations. Not only is it a great way to commemorate your ancestry, but potentially uncover new stories about your family’s past. The list of genealogy websites can be overwhelming. Here is a list of the most used options explained.
If you’re looking for a more interactive approach, Legacy Box specializes in preserving your family’s memories by transforming your home movies, photos and films into a DVD!
Studies have shown learning a new language enhances listening skills as well as improves memory. Nowadays there are a variety of options to appeal to your learning style: online classes, easy to use apps, or personalized live coaching.
Do you have an old instrument collecting dust in a closet? It’s time to revisit the fundamentals, or finally learn to play that [insert your dream here] staring at you in the corner. So, dust off that piano or guitar and download one of the many step-by-step tutorial apps and get started today.
From cooking to meditation to needlework, the possibilities to start a new hobby are endless. With many of the larger craft stores shipping straight to your home, the opportunity to spark a new passion is right at your fingertips. If you’re not sure how to get started take a fun HGTV quiz, or check out this skill share website that offers classes for beginners. You can explore topics from ceramics, flower arrangements, jewelry to sketching. You could simplify the process with a subscription box. For a monthly fee, receive art projects shipped directly to your door.
The English poet, William Wordsworth once said, “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”
Many influential writers, artists and historical leaders have accounted their day-to-day activities, thoughts, and feelings in journals. The relaxing pastime has been known to have a myriad of benefits from clearing your mind, helping to relieve stress to easing the symptoms of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome. It can be as simple as a daily gratitude log, capturing that famous recipe everyone loves, or as complex as writing your memoirs. You choose the path.