Setting the Standard, Living the Life

Wesley Des Moines is a vibrant community where residents and staff come together. They create a supportive, enriching environment. The stories of those who have dedicated their lives to Wesley—through their careers and now residency—reflect the deep commitment and care that defines Wesley communities. Their journeys illustrate how people can have a transformative impact on the lives of others. Their lifelong commitment helped set the standard, and they are now living the life.

Work, Family, Resident

LaVonne Mahugh’s career at Wesley began as a night nurse in the fall of 1968. Over her 43-year career, her nursing roles included skilled nursing, assisted living, and memory care. While witnessing significant shifts in the industry, LaVonne appreciated the level of professionalism of her colleagues and her patients.


“I appreciated the ethical fiber of the residents. They were grateful, kind, and supportive. Wesley’s residents had superb character, and that was also reflected in my co-workers,” said LaVonne.

Wesley’s support of LaVonne is woven throughout her career and personal life. After she needed to take a hiatus to care for her family, Wesley welcomed LaVonne back with open arms. She entrusted Wesley Gardens with her mother’s care. LaVonne also admires Wesley for having the privately funded Bishop McConnell Scholarship Program. The fund is available to residents with limited financial resources.

“I always thought I would move to Wesley. I enjoy being surrounded by interesting people, activities I want to do, and opportunities I want to explore,” reflected LaVonne.

Keeping Busy

Similarly dedicated to the Wesley community, Donna Baldwin began her career at Wesley in September 1993. She served as an executive assistant to both Ron Klipping and Wesley’s current President / CEO Kevin Anderson. Donna was also a vital liaison between staff and leadership. She created and maintained the resident newsletter and organized the new resident orientation series. Donna retired from Wesley in January 2002.


As a member of Wesley’s staff, Donna appreciated the mature professionals who shared Wesley’s values.

“The staff at Wesley are wonderful. It’s a safe, secure, and worry-free place, handled by well-trained people,” shared Donna.

Donna continues her legacy by holding the secretary position on three resident committees and serves as floor chair. After retirement, Donna yearned for the vibrant community she remembered at Wesley. “I kept hearing the residents say, ‘I should have moved in earlier,’ and that really resonated with me,” she reflected. In March 2000, Donna moved to Wesley Des Moines. She continues enjoying the beautiful grounds, engaging activities, and sense of community.

“You rarely see me not smiling,” Donna expanded. “I love how they have expanded the original Wesley campus vision, allowing more living space available to seniors. There has been a lot of new life here.”

A Glimpse Into the Future

A spirit of growth and improvement was championed by Ron Klipping when he joined the Wesley team as executive director in 1986. He sought to establish a legacy of excellent care and hospitality centered around the residents.

“I wanted to leave a legacy setting a tone of excellent care by everybody and treating everyone like a guest,” said Ron.

This commitment to excellence extended into the vision and extension of the campus. Under his leadership, Wesley saw significant resident-led renovations and improvements, including lighting and carpet upgrades and the construction of new buildings. Ron’s dedication to resident involvement in decision-making fostered a strong sense of community. His efforts to create a welcoming and caring environment have left a lasting impact on Wesley Des Moines.


“When I first walked through the Terrace Cottages while they were being built, I thought, ‘One day I’m going to live here’,” Ron shared. And Ron, even in retirement, remains actively involved in campus improvements as chairman of The Terrace Food Committee.

Ron reflected on his career. “I had a wonderful experience working for Wesley. I had the pleasure of working with some of the best managers and support staff I’ve ever seen. The staff was wonderful and worked so well together as a team.”

Ron maintains these bonds, hosting a yearly party with the management staff, most of whom are now retired.

The stories of LaVonne, Donna, and Ron highlight the dedication and sense of community that define Wesley Des Moines. Their experiences reflect the values and spirit that make Wesley a cherished place for residents and staff.