Stained Glass at the Koinonia Chapel

By David Snow, Wesley Community Foundation Director of Campaigns

Learn about this new addition to the chapel at Wesley Bradley Park

Wesley Community Foundation donors Harriet Farman and Lee and Carrie Boulet named the chapel at Wesley Bradley Park Koinonia Chapel. Oxford Languages defines koinonia as “a Christian fellowship or communion either with God or with fellow Christians.” Though Wesley welcomes people of all faiths and belief traditions, it is a most appropriate name. 

Susan McConnell, Foundation Executive Director, discussed with Carrie additional ways in which a heightened level of spirituality in the room could be achieved. As a result, the concept of stained-glass overlays on the four upper windows was born. 

Rather than delegating the project management to Bradley Park’s interior designer, Susan decided to have the project managed locally by the Foundation to conserve funds. After a selection process Unique Art Glass, located in Seattle’s Old Rainier Brewery building, was chosen to take on the design, fabrication and installation. 

Following design and color palette direction from Bradley Park’s interior designer, the Foundation met with the designer from Unique Art Glass to formulate a general concept and theme for the windows.

The quality of the glass and placement of clear sections allowed Unique Art Glass to make the most of the natural lighting and get the desired coloration. Revisions were made until Wesley approved the final design, and the stained glass was then installed.

Russian-French artist Marc Chagall once said, “A stained-glass window is a transparent partition between my heart and the heart of the world.” Interestingly, it was not until he was in his 70s that the artist began to create works of stained-glass which were displayed and celebrated worldwide. 

Wesley Community Foundation was able to make this lasting contribution to Koinonia Chapel as a token of appreciation for our loyal Bradley Park supporters and is a testament to the Foundation’s commitment to our Puyallup community. Planning is in the works for a special dedication, so stay tuned!