Wesley U, Wesley’s lifelong learning program, is available at all Wesley locations.
This unique program offers residents and non-residents who are 50+ years the opportunity to enroll in a wide variety of fun and mentally stimulating classes. The classes are designed for meaningful learning, interaction and personal growth.
“Wesley U is such an enjoyable venture for us residents! I am thrilled with my first class – Watercolors!”
Caroline M.
According to the National Institute on Aging, some studies suggest that informal, mentally stimulating activities may lower the risk of Alzherimer’s-related cognitive impairment or dementia. In fact, some scientists claim that staying mentally active with classes like those offered by Wesley U may protect the brain by establishing “cognitive reserve.” This can help mental functions of the brain become more adaptable and thus able to compensate for age-related brain changes.
“Thank you for keeping Wesley U going through the pandemic. Where once there was isolation, we now have stimulating classes in an online community of learners.”
Barbara C.
There’s no better time than now to try out some of these free classes. See what classes are being offered in our course catalog and sign up here.