Residents at Wesley Bradley Park are keeping things interesting with this community project!
Puyallup residents at WesleyBradley Park have been working on a project to help beautify the campus and enrich daily lifestyles that have adjusted to social distancing.
The Bradley Park Community Gardeners are building 12 raised garden beds for their community.
Naomi Reimer and Nature Wood in Sumner have donated all the wood for the garden beds and the resident gardening group has already built several with more to come.
Many see this as a great community effort, and residents are also donating storage cabinets and garden tools.
At this time, over 32 residents have expressed interest in gardening in the raised beds.
The Wesley campus will be arranging for the installation of sidewalks and seating. The Bradley Park Community Gardeners are also building garden beds designed to be more easily accessible for people using wheelchairs or walkers.
Wesley celebrates this resident-driven project as an inspiring and positive example of community camaraderie!